Langkah Metode Window Shopping

Posted By admin On 22.10.19

Window shopping refers to the process of going from store to store — or even website to website — just to look at what is for sale. Available to anyone, it is a leisurely process with no time constraints, but, depending on a person’s personality, it can effect the shopper's finances. Some people use it just to pass the time and dream, while others use it to get inspired or gather information about current trends. LocationThe general concept behind window shopping is that a person walks from store to store, looking at what is in the sellers’ windows. People often do it when they are in more urban areas, as these locations have streets lined with different shops.

Window Shopping Definition

Fresin Fries will provide a combination of excellent food at value pricing, with fun packaging and atmosphere. Fresin Fries is the answer to an increasing demand for snack-type fast food, to be consumed while window shopping and walking around inside a shopping mall.

Another option where the term is used, however, is the, where many vendors are close to each other and a person can travel from booth to booth as she likes. These take place in both rural and urban communities.

Expansion to the InternetWhile traditional window shopping takes place at a brick and mortar location, the concept can be expanded to the Internet, as well. Websites, unless down for maintenance, are never “closed,” so this form of participation can be more accessible. Shoppers also can more easily make comparisons, using tabs in their browser to see what different companies offer, even if those companies are hundreds of miles apart. They also can bookmark the web pages of sellers they like or post links in emails, blogs or chat conversations. Going through the browsing process online is particularly appealing to those who have limited mobility or who are housebound.Retailers know that people sometimes prefer this mode of browsing merchandise, so they often make it a point to invest heavily in their websites and develop as e- businesses.

Many even develop separate “mobile” versions of their websites that people navigate more easily on devices like smartphones. Some companies exist only online, so sometimes a person has no other option but to browse digital displays. TimeTrue window shopping is never hurried, with a person always browsing at leisure. The number of displays she sees or how much time gets spent on each one isn’t the focus. She cares instead about what each display contains and the way each store presents its items.With no real time constraints put on this pastime, many people are able to work it in during an average day.

A person can enjoy this type of shopping during a lunch hour, while waiting for relatives or friends to arrive or as a way to kill time before the start of a movie at the local, for example. On the other end of the spectrum, some people can spend an entire day going from window to window, appreciating the merchandise and the appealing way everything is set up. CostOne of the greatest attractions of browsing window displays is that the activity is free. Anyone can do it, regardless of their current financial status. In fact, some people do it specifically because they know they can’t afford to buy anything. They simply want the pleasure of seeing what’s for sale and dreaming about what it would be like to have those things.

RelaxationPeople often choose to window shop because it is an activity with no real obligations. The lack of a timeframe, combined with not having to spend money, lets some individuals forget their worries and relax. They come back happy, rejuvenated and ready to face their next task.

InspirationAlong with being a way to fill time without spending money, window shopping can also serve as inspiration. A display containing a dining room table and chairs, for instance, might give someone ideas for table settings, centerpieces or other items used to dress up a dining area. In this sense, this form of shopping is a way to generate creativity.In some cases, this process can become cyclic. As an example, a fashion designer might look at garments on mannequins in a retailer’s window. She might get thinking about what she’d do differently and then go back to her studio to create a unique design. That design eventually could become part of a new formal collection, which might get fully manufactured and end up in the very store that provided the inspiration.

Market InformationMost retailers put the items they truly want buyers to notice in their displays. They depend on these products to lure people into the store, so the items sellers pick to showcase usually are very trendy. Some individuals use this pastime as a way to get a basic idea of what is currently in demand or available in a particular market, with the goal being to stay fashionable or elite. This lets the average consumer make some decisions about what to buy later on, and it can help business leaders informally assess their own industries. Effect on SpendingLooking at displays sometimes compels people to make more purchases overall than they normally would. They might not intend to make a purchase when they first go out, but once they see something they like, they get drawn into the store and buy, or they find the items they saw online and purchase them that way.

Other people are able to resist the temptation to go inside or log on to retailer websites, so they are able to use the pastime as a way to shop without throwing off their. @momothree: I do a lot of online “window shopping”. It is especially helpful around Christmas time. Most retailers showcase their best products on their websites. There are no sales people trying to reel you in and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

(You can even do it in your PJ’s!)You can type in what you are looking for and several merchant websites will pop up. Just click on the one that you want. I keep a notebook handy to jot down the names of the retailers and their prices. This is a great way to compare prices.

It is known globally that, in today’s market, it isextremely difficult to start a new small-scale business and its sustenance withcompetition from the well-established and settled or brand owners. Most often,even if the quality of the product is really good, due to a lack ofadvertisement or business at the small scale, it just becomes another face inthe sea, and the product does not reach a larger group of customers. In fastpaced life of today when everyone is squeezed for time, the majority of peopleare finicky when it comes to doing physical shopping. Logistically, a consumerfinds a product more interesting and attractive when they find it on thewebsite of a retailer directly and are able to see item’s detailsonline(Gupta,2013). Online shopping is a new technology that has beencreated along with the development of the Internet. It is a convenient methodof shopping and allows for a vast array of products to be at your fingertips.However, fraudulent use of the Internet is often a concern for many shoppers.Cyber thieves steal identities of shoppers and then exploit them causing atheft of their identity.

This leads to a variety of problems, causingfraudulent credit card charges, opening new credit accounts, and misuse ofcurrent accounts. This concern is on the minds of Americans who are the largestbuyer of online goods.

Most however, feel as though it is worth the risk, or itis only a limited possibility. The Internet and its shopping applications continue togrow not only in terms of quantum but also in terms of their importance topeople and their lives. The population of Internet users continues toexperience rapid growth (Internet World Stats 2011c, 2011b, 2011a) but the useand adoption of online shopping by online consumers lags behind (Hendery 2006;Lee & Cheung 2004; Lee & Turban 2001). This suggests that there ishesitation by online consumers to purchase online, as well as an opportunity togrow the B2C e-commerce online shopping industry. In essence, there is a gapbetween the general use of the Internet for information and communicationpurposes versus the specific use for online shopping (Lee & Turban 2001).

According to the theory plannedbehavior, the actions of individuals in a certain behavior is determined by theindividual's intention to perform the behavior. Intention itself influencedattitudes toward behavior, subjective norms that influence behavior, andperceived behavioral control. According Azjen (1985), attitudes toward behavioris a positive or negative evaluation in conducting behavior. Attitudes towardsbehavior shows the level a person has a good evaluation or unfavorable aboutcertain behaviors.

Population and dual-income or single-parenthouseholds with time constraints better candidates to be targeted by non-storeretailers (Burke, 1997). Actually, both demographics and personality variablessuch as opinion leadership or risk aversiveness are very important factors thatare considered in studies trying to determine the antecedents of Internetpurchases (Kwak et al., 2002). Confirmatory work shows that income and purchasingpower have consistently been found to affect consumers’ propensity to shiftfrom brick-and-mortar to virtual shops (Co-mor, 2000). Internet usage historyand intensity also affect online shopping potential. Consumers with longerhistories of Internet usage, educated and equipped with better skills andperceptions of the Web environment have significantly higher intensities ofonline shopping experiences and are better candidates to be captured in thewellknown concept of flow in the cyber world (Sisk, 2000; Hoffman and Novak,1996;Liao and Cheung, 2001).

Those consumers using the Internet for a longertime from various locations and for a higher variety of ser-vices areconsidered to be more active users (Emmanouilides and Hammond, 2000). AsBellman et al. (1999) mention, demographics are not so important in determiningonline purchasing potential. Whether the consumer has a wired lifestyle and thetime constraints the person has are much more influential. Risk takingpropensity is also a powerful factor.

E-shoppers have higher risk takingtendencies. Consumers with high levels of privacy and security concerns havelower purchasing rates in online markets but they balance this characteristicwith their quest for making use of the information advantage of the environment(Kwak et al., 2002; Miyazaki and Fernandez, 2001). These educated individuals,as more confident decision makers, are much more demanding and have greatercontrol over the purchasing process from initiation to completion (Rao et al.,1998).

Identifyingpre-purchase intentions of consumers is the key to understand why theyultimately do or do not shop from the Web market. One stream of research underonline consumer behavior consists of studies that handle the variablesinfluencing these intentions.

A compilation of some of the determinants researchershave examined are: transaction security, vendor quality, price considerations,information and service quality, system quality, privacy and security risks,trust, shopping enjoyment, valence of online shopping experience, and perceivedproduct quality. (Liao and Cheung, 2001; Saeed et al., 2003; Miyazaki and Fernandez,2001; Chen and Dubinsky, 2003). The lists of factors having a positive ornegative impact on consumers’ propensity to shop do not seem to be verydifferent from the considerations encountered in offline environments. However,the sensitivities individuals display for each variable might be very differentin online marketplaces. Factors like price sensitivity, importance attributedto brands or the choice sets considered in online and offline environments canbe significantly different from each other (Andrews and Currim, 2004). Uncertaintiesabout products and shopping processes, trustworthiness of the online seller, orthe convenience and economic utility they wish to derive from electronic shoppingdetermine the costs versus the benefits of this environment for consumers (Teoet al., 2004). Further studies aiming to complete the full set of factors influencingconsumers’ prepurchase intentions are still much awaited.

The Online Purchasing Process. Many studies frequently mention that there is a vastamount of window shopping taking place online but the number or the rate of surferswho turn into purchasers or regular buyers are very low (Mayer, 2002; Betts, 2001;Oliver, 1999). This might happen because of the lack of consumer intention to purchasean offering from the online environment at the outset. It might also happen becauseof various problems that arise during online shopping driving the consumer to abandonthe task in the middle. Therefore, while one stream of research should identifythe reasons behind the purchase reluctance of consumers, another area of concentrationshould be why people abandon their shopping carts and stop the purchasingprocess in the middle.

Such attempts can help to understand how to turn surfersinto interactors, purchasers, and finally, repeat purchases by making them enterinto continuous interaction with this environment (Berthon, 1996). Commonreasons for purchase reluctance are the difficulties and costs of distanceshipping, inadequate amount of purchase related information, troubles experiencedafter the purchase such as delivery or refund problems, general security fear,and various perceived risks such as financial, product-related or psychologicalrisks (Mayer, 2002; Chen and He, 2003). On the other hand, the reasons of abandoningpurchases are much more technical such as unexpected shipping costs or transactioncomplexity ( Harvard Business Review, 2000). In other words, some consumersaccept to shop from the Internet in principle but technical complexities or ineffectivesystems discourage them. Regardless of the pessimistic state of events,marketers should not be hopeless about the future. Once the risks consumersperceive about shopping through the Webare reduced, the environment stillpromises a high potential for selected consumersegments.

Studies show thatconsumers who search for product related information through the Web havestronger intentions to make purchases online (Shim et al., 2001). Therefore,building on the information advantage can be expected to pay off in the future.Constructing effective decision support systems and assisting consumers withinteractive decision tools are also successful attempts that need to bedeveloped further (O’Keefe and McEachern, 1998; Barber, 2001). However,investing on the pre-purchase stages of the decision making process is notadequate. Developing and testing the effectiveness of specific “selling”strategies and tactics for the cyber market are also crucial.

Studies thatfocus on currently unavailable but possible tools of cyber shopping in thefuture, such as the use of artificial shopping agents that work on behalf ofconsumers in the online market (Redmond, 2002), are also very valuable effortsenlightening the road for future studies. Investing in consumer satisfaction from the onlineexperience and creating brand or site loyalty are critically important forcompanies that want to have a long run presence on the Web. There are twoapproaches taken to induce loyalty into consumers in an online context. Oneapproach is to focus on concrete factors. For example, creating a convenientand well-designed online store and offering secure transactions are thekeystones of satisfying e-consumers (Szymanski and Hise, 2000). However, allsatisfied consumers do not become loyal.

Personalization attempts andincreasing the social value of online experiences are very important to makeconsumers build strong brand relationships in the cyber world. Although Nunesand Kambil (2001) argue the opposite, some studies find that personalized Websites and customer communities are highly influential on the consumer brandrelationship especially for experienced Internet consumers (Thorbjornsen,2002). Besides, businesses that can create trust and increase the perceivedvalue of online shopping can turn their satisfied consumers into loyal ones inthe e-marketing environment, too (Anderson and Srinivasan, 2003). The onlineenvironment accommodates so many opportunities for creating loyalty that evenoffline offerings can be effectively facilitated with supporting after saleservices provided through the Web (van Riel et al., 2004). According to Tauber (1972), experiences are animportant part of consuming and shopping. Shoppers are not always simplylooking to buy products, but also want to get pleasure from the shoppingactivity.This experience is affected by the customer’s shopping goals, whatthey expect, and what their motivations are (Demangeot & Broderick, 2006).Motivation for shopping online is an important factor to consider whenanalysing the shopping experience (Swatman & Chin, 2004). Holbrook andHirschman (1982) established that it is highly important to create hedonicsignificance through good experiences in order to toughen up the relationshipswith consumers.

Customer experience involves engaging several of the customer’saptitudes to satisfy and create value while he interacts with the organisation,its products and its other customers. Similarly, an online retailer’s role isto establish an appropriate environment to help customers in gaining a positiveexperience while shopping online (Pentina et al., 2011). When people shoponline, they are not only consumers but also users of the computer (Demangeot& Broderick, 2007).

Huang (2003) stated that the online shoppingenvironment is highly interactive. Content of the website is a critical aspectin terms of how accurate and relevant it is. The website design is also veryimportant if the company wants conduct a successful e-retailing business (Colla& Lapoule, 2012). The website visuals include: colour themes, font usage,photos, logos, graphic qualities and so on.

These visuals capture the consumers’attention by communicating a distinct image of the organisation and itsproducts and services (Demangeot & Broderick, 2006). Factors such as lowprices, good customer service, easy navigation, and also plainly stated returnand exchange policies, are a part of the online shopping experience (Xu &Paulins, 2005). It is possible to improve the experience of online shoppers byresponding to the problems they may face, particularly safety concerns. Thebest way organisations can handle this issue is through communication. Theyshould let the consumers know that their website is secure and that privacyprotection is a priority for the organisation (Strategic Direction, 2012). Companiesshould strive to constantly improve their online services for consumers.

Asound service delivery will have great positive impacts on the experience of ane-shopper (Ahmad, 2002). A study into online service quality showed that trustis a critical factor which influenced the consumer's contentment. Thus, onlineshops have to work towards becoming more reliable in terms of deliveringproducts on time, giving proper information, and most importantly. Making sure that shopping on their website iscompletely safe and secure (Lee & Lin, 2005). Perception of Online Shopping The consumer's perception of their experiencewhile shopping online is also a factor to consider. When the consumer’sexperience exceeds their expectations, there is a high chance they will becomeloyal towards that particular online shop. This satisfaction is based on a numberof features such as: how fulfilling the experience was, how smooth thetransaction was and the ease of interaction (Chen & Chang, 2003).

Theshopper’s perception will also vary depending on what kind of product they arelooking to purchase. For instance, Klein (1998) said. That products which require searching before purchase(such as books) will be different from products that are purchased throughexperiences (such as clothes). Zhou et al (2007) also stated that the onlineshoppers’ perception will vary depending on the type of product because therisk factors are different for each (Liu & Forsythe, 2010).

Some consumersdo not shop online because they perceive traditional shopping as being soothingand fun. It improves their mood and turns into a social activity which they cando with their friends (Liu et al., 2013). Other factors which may affect theperception of online shoppers are: how exposed they are to the market, marketambiguity and the position of competitors in the market (Gong et al., 2013).Comparatively, generation Y is very attached to online shopping and spendstheir time looking into and fantasising about online products. They areattentive towards sales promotions and are influenced by celebrities when itcomes to fashion (Hill et al., 2013).

Window Shopping Lyrics


A recent research found that almost halfof the respondents were spending a minimum of one hour every day on onlineretail websites. It was also found then men’s fashion has led more men toparticipate in online shopping (Lachman & Brett, 2013). Overall, consumersare now freely accepting the concept of online shopping and this phenomenon iscontinuously growing. However, it should also be noted that traditionalshopping is still equally relevant to the retailing business (Watsonet al., 2002). Shopping at the mall or store offlinerequires us to carry cash more or take time to withdraw cash at atm machinebecause we do not know how the price offered without prior notice of appeal atthe same storefront prices from one store to another.

Shopping online offersthe ease of payment. The banks have offered a transfer system using internetbanking or mobile banking. Or if they do not have two facilities before, wesimply go to the nearest atm to transfer funds from a transaction that has beendone on the online store. After payment is done we just need to confirm to theonline store and the goods will be delivered to your hand.

Window shopping book

Providing seamless product Online stores usually offer a wide selection of products. There you can find clothes for the entire family, jewelry, home and garden decoration products, and even personalized gifts for those very special people in your life. Even wider selection available at online shopping sites for buyers who are looking for computers, mobile phones and other electronics. Collectibles For the collectors or hobbyists certain goods, browsing to shop online is a quick way to get the goods you desire that is not offered at offline stores. Miscellaneous goods collection can be found on the Internet with just a search engine. Collection of goods in online store was more varied than in offline stores and will be plenty of options for you. This study provides a large and beneficial impact onconsumer intentions to onlinetransaction.

In this study shows that factors affecting consumer goodwill gestureto online transaction privacy, security, and trust. These results indicate thatthe factors associated with privacy, security, and trust must be consideredproperly. Increased privacy, security, and confidence in e-commercetransactions on the business sector can be influential on consumer intentionsto transact online unruk which eventually increased in e-commerce users.E-commerce transactions should also be tailored to the needs and the desire ofconsumers so that e-commerce can develop optimally. From the results of thisstudy are also expected to provide input for businesses the e-commerce systemin order to focus on factors such as privacy, security, and confidence inapplying and developing the e-commerce transactions. This matter aims for e-commercetransactions can develop optimally in Indonesia as an alternative to sale andpurchase transactions in addition to transactions conducted directly, In orderto achieve this goal, the company must find out what the. REFERENCES Chris, Rowley.

“Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia”. Jakarta: Salemba empat. “Internet Shopping Learning Model”.Theses Proposal. Shoutern Cross University, Bodnar. “ Sistem Informasi Akuntansi”. Jakarta: Salemba Empat George. Gordon Davis.


“ Kerangka Dasar Dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen”. Jakarta: Binamas Presssindo.

“ Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Teknologi Elektronik”. Depok: Four Press Jogianto.

“Sistem Teknologi Informasi”. Yogyakarta: Andi Press. Pembukaan Undang Undang Dasar 1945,memberikan pedoman-pedoman tertentu untuk mengisi kemerdekaan nasional kita,untuk melaksanakan kenegaraan kita, untuk mengetahui tujuan dalam memperkembangkankebangsaan kita, dan untuk menentukan arah kemajuan Indonesia.

PembukaanUndang-Undang Dasar 1945 merupakan pokok-pokok kaidah negara yang fundamental.Maka di samping merupakan suasana kerohaniaanya dari UUD 1945, juga merupakansumber penjabaran normatif, oleh karena itu dalam pembukaan UUD 1945 terkandungsendi-sendi kehidupan negara. Namun terkadang masyarakat seringkali mengabaikanarti penting Undang Undang Dasar 1945, sehingga tidak sedikit dari kita yangkehilangan jati diri bangsa dan dengan mudah dijajah oleh bangsa lain baikdalam makanan, fashion maupun gaya hidup. Pembukaan UUD 1945 merupakan sumber dari motifasidan inspirasi perjuangan dantekad bangsa Idonesia, yang merupakan sumber daricita hukum dan cita moral yangingin ditegakkan baik dilingkungan nasionalmaupun internasional. Pembukaan yang telah dirumuskan secara padat dan hidmatdalam 4 alenia, setiapalenia dan kata-katanya mengandung arti dan makna yangsangat mendalam danmempunyai nilai-nilai yang universaldan lestari.

PembukaanUUD 1945 tidak lain adalah tempat penaungan jiwa proklamasi yaitu jiwapancasila. “Melindungisegenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia yang berdasarkanatas persatuan dengan mewujudkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia”.Dalam pembukaan ini diterima aliran pengertian negara persatuan, negara yangmelindungi segenap bangsa seluruhnya. Jadi Negara mengatasi segala fahamgolongan, mengatasi segala faham perseorangan. Negara meliputi segenap bangsaIndonesia seluruhnya, inilah suatu dasar yang tidak boleh dilupakan. Rumusanini mewujudkan pokok pikiran persatuan. Dikatakan bahwa proklamasi adalah suatuproclamation of independen, yang merupakan penjebolan tertib hukum kolonial danmulai memberlakukan tertib hukum nasional.Sedangkan cita-cita bangsa Indonesiasecara terperinci dituangkan dalam pembukaanUUD 1945, atau menurut ketetapan MPRNo. XX/ MPRS/1996 dinyatakan bahwa pembukaan merupakan keinginan bangsa Indonesiayang terperinci yang mengandung cita-cita luhur dari proklamasi kemerdekaan 17Agustus 1945 dan yang memuat pancasila di dalamnya, merupakan satu rangkaiandengan proklamasi kemerdekaan 17 Agustus1945.

Dapat juga dinyatakan, bahwapembukaan UUD 1945 adalah merupakan suatu Declaration of independence denganproclamation of independence hubungannya sangat erat, sebab keduanya salingbersinambungan satu dengan lainnya yaitu apa yang dinyatakan dalam proklamasikemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945 selanjutnya diperinci lebih lanjut dalampembukaanUUD 1945. Isi pengertian yang terkandung dalam masing-masingbagian pembukaan melukiskan adanya rangkaian peristiwa dan keadaan berkenaandengan berdirinya negara Indonesia, melalui pernyataan kemerdekaan kebangsaanIndonesia. Rangkaian peristiwa dan keadaan yang mendahului terbentuknya negarayang merupakan rumusan dasar-dasar pemikiran yang menjadi motif pendorong bagitersusunnya kemerdekaan kebangsaan Indonesia dalam wujud terbentuknya negaraIndonesia. Alinea satu sampai tiga dalam pembukaan UUD 1945 merupakan ekspresiperistiwa yang terjadi pada pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea.