Angket Pengaruh Medsos Terhadap Remmaja

Posted By admin On 01.10.19
  1. Angket Pengaruh Medsos Terhadap Remmaja Internet

Official URL:AbstractThe main focus of this study is to examine the effect of the sustainability reporting on the financial performance. The target sample of this study consists of the manufactur companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2011-2013. This study using purposive sampling method to collected data. Independent variable in this study is sustainability reporting, and dependent variables are Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Cash Flows from Operating, Profit before Tax, and Earnings per Share (EPS). While the control variables are size and leverage.


The result however show that the sustainability reporting has significant high mean ROA, ROE, and Cash Flows from Operating, but the sustainabiliry reporting has insignigficant mean Profit Before Tax, and EPS. Item Type:Thesis(UNSPECIFIED)Additional Information:application/pdfSubjects:Divisions:Depositing User:Mandahadi Kusuma KusumaDate Deposited:24 Mar 2015 12:57Last Modified:04 Mar 2016 15:11URI:Actions (login required)View Item.

The Effect Of Burnout On Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy, And Co-Assistant Performance In dr. Soebandi Hospital Jember.The purpose of the studi was to examine and explain (1) the effect of burnout on co-assistant performance; (2) the effect of burnout on emotional intelligence; (3) the effect of burnout on self-efficacy; (4) the effect of emotional intelligence on co-assistant performance; and (5) the effect of selfefficacy on co-assistant performance.The sampel of this study consisted of 94 coassistant in dr. Soebandi Hospital Jember. Sample was chosen based on porpusive random sampling technique. Questionnaire was the main instrument to collect data.


Data was analyzed using descriptive analyses employing Partial Least Square (PLS).The findings in this study is (1) burnout has a significant and negative effect coassistant performance; (2) burnout has a significant and positive effect on emotional intelligence; (3) burnout has a non-significant and positive effect on self-efficacy; (4) emotional intelligence has a significant and positive effect on co-assistant performance; and (5) self-efficacy has a significant and positive effect on co-assistant performance. Empowerment hubungannya dengan burnout paramedis rumah sakit rujukan. Tidak dipublikasikan.Alam, Rosalina, 2010, “Pengaruh PemberdayaanTerhadap Kelelahan Kerja dan Kecerdasan Emosional Perawat dan Bidan Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Rujukan di Sulawesi Selatan” Jurnal EKUITAS,pp. 187-209Aftab.Noman., Shah.Asghar Ali., & Mehmood, Roqia. 'Relationship of Self Efficacy and Burnout Among Physicians'. Academic Research International.

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